Why on earth do they use "natural and artificial flavouring"? And don’t tell me "real fruit isn’t colourful enough." Bullshit. I am not a child and it isn’t candy. Natural colours are better than artificial ones. If I see that in yoghurt, I won’t buy it. Make your product taste good naturally, or don’t bother making it. Have some damn pride.
i am a microbiologist and certified in food fermentation ADPLF2008 , this is so wrong its also illegal to show on TV. how could they f8ck up so much after visiting the factory i dont know.
watching this for ag class
very interesting
my food teacher made me watch this lmao
What is this… A jam video?
This is NOT how yoghurt SHOULD be made at ALL. Freaking money hungry factories.
So this is how people get lactose intolerance
In her pursuit of a well articulated narration, she became overzealous such that her pronunciation is a tad weird
Why on earth do they use "natural and artificial flavouring"? And don’t tell me "real fruit isn’t colourful enough." Bullshit. I am not a child and it isn’t candy. Natural colours are better than artificial ones. If I see that in yoghurt, I won’t buy it. Make your product taste good naturally, or don’t bother making it. Have some damn pride.
When was this video made, 1864?
Why did the mixture @ 1:48 not get sterilized using UV light?
I could really do without the colouring. I don’t care if my food is pretty, so long as it’s natural.
Who else searched this up while eating yogurt
shut up !
So that’s how we should say ‘intestines’
quite satisfying
Me watching this while eating blueberry yogurt.
(I’m using a fork because I’m too lazy to wash a spoon.)
I’m the newest
*M I X T U R E*
How to make yogurt – step 1: JAM
Is yogurt a solution suspension or a colloid?
Me enjoying a strawberry banana Yoplait Yogurt while watching this
Im high asf eating yogurt watching this lol
I am sick of the click bait
i am a microbiologist and certified in food fermentation ADPLF2008 , this is so wrong its also illegal to show on TV. how could they f8ck up so much after visiting the factory i dont know.
Valaki mérésről itt?
As processed as you can imagine
Hmmm anyone searched this video while eating yogurt
Me deciding to look this up while eating yogurt😭😭
All chemicals
Who’s having yogurt while watching this?
"Thoughts of political assassination"
😀 b
I hate when people try to overpronounce words like this lady is annoying to listen to.. like it’s jam not jaham..
This video cracks me up
I’m sorry did she say bacteria😭😭
As I’m enjoying a nice Yoplait yogurt lol
Yuck .
are you alive sir
Nigga what
Chrollo stans😍😍😋
This was funny as frog. Lol 🤣
Omg sugar is everywhere
I thought this was gonna be the one sold at yoghurt stores and not the supermarket
I was eating yogurt before I logged into class and decided to see how it was made💀
Or buy chobani. They use cane sugar and real fruit instead of that jam crap
I literally looked up, ‘greasy7 yogurt factory’ and this came up
Whoever developed those machines must have been a genius
its currently 4 am and i dont know what im doing