If you want to lose fat, you shouldn’t jeopardize your well-being with the keto diet. I recommend getting a personalized diet. I’ve had great success with the Agoge diet for example.
No need to harm yourself with keto. It’s just a matter of calories in, calories out. Following a structured and balanced diet like the Agoge diet helps a great deal though.
If you are suffering from cancer especially breast cancer it might be worth while to do your research on avoiding asparagine from asparagus as it is show in mice to aid metastasis of your cancer. Asparagine can also present in dairy, beef, poultry, eggs, fish and other seafood as well as potatoes, nuts, legumes, seeds, soy and whole grains.
Keep in mind that while mice studies are not human studies and that sugar also fuels growth in cancer, that the research is still viable in some respects and should be considered. A modified low sugar, low carb, veg based protein, keto concontion based on research in conjunction with your doctor might be a better approach for those with cancer.
Thomas can you help with this – Myfitnesspal is saying 1 Habanero has 3G of Sugar and 4G of carbs,This surely cant be right? I love hot peppers and I’d like to know if this is true.
Accidentally used these vegetables in a recipe I created, I can confirm they taste good together. Sautéed asparagus & sauerkraut on hot dogs is really really good, and it’s probably keto-ajacent if you replace the bun with bok choy greens. I gotta try that now.
Keto is not worth it in my opinion. It is risky and hard to adhere to. I recommend the Agoge diet because it is personalized and balanced and most importantly worked great for me.
I really tried sticking with the keto, but I just felt awful and it is also really hard to adhere to. Then I tried the Agoge diet and it was life changing, I highly recommend it to everyone.
Those who want to lose fat should definitely try the Agoge diet plan. It’s personalized and well balanced. Keto on the other hand made me feel like shit.
People always talk about getting a six pack, I just wanted a flat belly. But the keto diet was unbearable for me. I tried the Agoge diet and so far have amazing results. Highly recommended!
If you want to lose fat, you shouldn’t jeopardize your well-being with the keto diet. I recommend getting a personalized diet. I’ve had great success with the Agoge diet for example.
Like you serouis guys you consider vegs carbs…. I know yes they are but… With veeery low sugar and carb levels with hiiiigh lvl of fiber…. Not only Green leafy vegs but also toamtos carrots cumcomber all of them are good and sooo low in calories and everything…. Only very high in minerals and vitamens heheheh like serousily stop being scared of veggies ! Please they are reaaaally healthy and there is no chance.. 0 chance to become fat because of them ! You cant physically eat more then you maintenece calories with vegs how ever if you eat pasta with them and alooooot of pasta with some drinks and ice cream ofc you will reach your maintenance
YOU you are the one who told us that "these vegitables" will kick you out of ketosis man Im fucked zuckini is bad tomato is bad dairy and almonds are bad what to we eat
I love aldente brussel sprouts, but they hurt my stomach, I’m in pain until it’s digested. How can I cook these where it doesnt lose it’s nutritional value and does not make my stomach hurt?
Cabbage and Bok Choy- just specifically that variation or is everything in the cabbage and bok choy family ok as well?
Cabbage: there’s also savoy cabbage, purple cabbage etc.
Bok choy: there are 2 kinds – white stem or green stem (shanghainese, which you have shown).
I can’t eat green foods. I’m on blood thinner and it makes my warfarin not work. I tank my inr when I eat and green. This sucks in keto life.
If you want to lose fat, you shouldn’t jeopardize your well-being with the keto diet. I recommend getting a personalized diet. I’ve had great success with the Agoge diet for example.
I love cooked cabbage but 2 cups read 10 grams on my carb manager app. That’s half my days allowance 😭😭😭
Asparagus are so expensive in my country! 😩
No need to harm yourself with keto. It’s just a matter of calories in, calories out. Following a structured and balanced diet like the Agoge diet helps a great deal though.
1. Asparagus
2. Cabbage
3. Bok Choy
Help!! Are green onions keto friendly?
Does cooking any of these change anything?
My only regret is not trying the Agoge diet earlier, very good results. Keto really ruined me for a couple of weeks before that.
If you are suffering from cancer especially breast cancer it might be worth while to do your research on avoiding asparagine from asparagus as it is show in mice to aid metastasis of your cancer. Asparagine can also present in dairy, beef, poultry, eggs, fish and other seafood as well as potatoes, nuts, legumes, seeds, soy and whole grains.
Keep in mind that while mice studies are not human studies and that sugar also fuels growth in cancer, that the research is still viable in some respects and should be considered. A modified low sugar, low carb, veg based protein, keto concontion based on research in conjunction with your doctor might be a better approach for those with cancer.
There is an array of Asian vegetables that are great. I like something called Uchoy-usually not in regular supermarkrts
Love shredded cabbage with the no taco taco plate, salsa and ground beef, olives ertc
Thomas , what about that recipe fi asparagus? I lv asp from the can but i feel sure its not as healthy as fresh . Thanks in advance , G 🌶
Thank you so much , you explain so well and you are so so smart 😘
1. Asparagus
2. Cabbage 🥬
3. Bok Choy 🥬
will broccoli kick me out of ketosis?
If you want to lose fat, I recommend trying the Agoge diet. I lost lots of fat and felt great all the way.
Awesome advice as always thanks!
1. Asparagus
2. Cabbage
3. Bok choy
Thomas can you help with this – Myfitnesspal is saying 1 Habanero has 3G of Sugar and 4G of carbs,This surely cant be right? I love hot peppers and I’d like to know if this is true.
how about canned sour kraut?
Accidentally used these vegetables in a recipe I created, I can confirm they taste good together. Sautéed asparagus & sauerkraut on hot dogs is really really good, and it’s probably keto-ajacent if you replace the bun with bok choy greens. I gotta try that now.
Those who want to lose fat should definitely try the Agoge diet plan. It is personalized and balanced. Keto on the other hand made me feel like shit.
What about spinach, artichoke, mushrooms and kale for Keto diet?
Keto is not worth it in my opinion. It is risky and hard to adhere to. I recommend the Agoge diet because it is personalized and balanced and most importantly worked great for me.
How about a keto daily salads video since variety leads to high fructose vegetables quickly.
what about onions?
ABC = asparagus, bok choy, cabbage
I mistaken asparagus once for green beans… as soon as i put it in my mouth i spit it out… didnt like it at all
What is your take on cauliflower on keto diet?
I really tried sticking with the keto, but I just felt awful and it is also really hard to adhere to. Then I tried the Agoge diet and it was life changing, I highly recommend it to everyone.
1) Asparagus, 2) cabbage, 3) bok choy : )
Where i live we don’t get 2 of those veg. Guess it is cauliflower daily.
I dunno about bok choy, it’s kind of out of my price range. If I do it, it’ll be the indol be-all of my veggies.
Those who want to lose fat should definitely try the Agoge diet plan. It’s personalized and well balanced. Keto on the other hand made me feel like shit.
I can’t stand asparagus. But cabbage and bok choy are great. Making curdito next weekend!
I am trying out out all the vegetables I’ve never eaten before, or never made myself, and it has been going great.
My top 3: mushrooms, avocado, cherry tomatoe
Really surprised he didn’t say avacado.
Zucchini is bad?? Nah, I need more proof about it. Because this guy said so? First time I heard something like that about Zucchini and yellow squash.
People always talk about getting a six pack, I just wanted a flat belly. But the keto diet was unbearable for me. I tried the Agoge diet and so far have amazing results. Highly recommended!
If you want to lose fat, you shouldn’t jeopardize your well-being with the keto diet. I recommend getting a personalized diet. I’ve had great success with the Agoge diet for example.
Like you serouis guys you consider vegs carbs…. I know yes they are but… With veeery low sugar and carb levels with hiiiigh lvl of fiber…. Not only Green leafy vegs but also toamtos carrots cumcomber all of them are good and sooo low in calories and everything…. Only very high in minerals and vitamens heheheh like serousily stop being scared of veggies ! Please they are reaaaally healthy and there is no chance.. 0 chance to become fat because of them ! You cant physically eat more then you maintenece calories with vegs how ever if you eat pasta with them and alooooot of pasta with some drinks and ice cream ofc you will reach your maintenance
YOU you are the one who told us that "these vegitables" will kick you out of ketosis man Im fucked zuckini is bad tomato is bad dairy and almonds are bad what to we eat
Anyone recommend Cauliflower?
Love Bok choy. Asparagus. Celery. Cucumber. Only diuretic alkaline veggies. Not the gassy acidic stuff
I love aldente brussel sprouts, but they hurt my stomach, I’m in pain until it’s digested. How can I cook these where it doesnt lose it’s nutritional value and does not make my stomach hurt?