Man worries to much like this gentleman about this short stint called life! Jesus said Labour for the food that doesn’t spoil! Seek Jesus not man’s remember life is real short. Seek Jesus for Salvation eternal life with Him. Thank you Father God.
Many thanks from Caracas, Venezuela. I was wondering if u could elaborate on your opinion of tomatoes. My wife and I are T2D and we are grateful to u for your advice. Much obliged
Regarding the sugar content of Onion I have seen many sources claiming that red onion can reduce sugar level, and it is recommended to diabetes but here you advise to avoid it, can you please comment
I have multiple fibroids and I am so confused over what to eat. The consensus is I should eat no animal products, no bread, no grains, no rice, no potatoes, etc. Only some vegetables and fruit. I have tried this and I am naturally underweight. This diet put me in severe weight loss. I started eating pumpernickel bread with peanutbutter to keep my weight up between smoothies and salads. My mate is a carnivore and i eat meat with him occasionally but this is a big no no. I would love to nix vegetables but I get so much feedback about acidity and hormones. Insulin also makes them grow which is in all the vegetables. No meat and no fruit and vegetables seems like a diet that is incredibly unsustainable.
I have a question. I watch all these videos that all yall YouTube doctor’s put out on what not to eat cause its bad for this and bad for that. it seems like everything we were taught to eat that was good for us is not good to eat. even the all natural stuff like fruits and vegetables. my question is what foods can we actually eat thats good for us. cause all the videos that I’ve seen there’s pretty much nothing that we can eat that yall doctors say is good for us. one doctor will say this is good for you then another doctor will say it’s not. I don’t know who to believe anymore. if someone actually listened to everything that was said by these videos. they will probably die from stress and starvation. I know these videos are only put out to help people but are they really helping or making things worse. 🤔
Thank you very much Dr. Berry! Oh my I must admit I got really shocked about shiitake mushrooms and red bell pepper! How about yellow and orange bell pepper? And what about Shirataki rice style/wok style/pasta style food item? Thank you for your feedback!
You need natural sugars, otherwise your brain wont work. These new doctors and their KETOs diets think they know everything, they don’t. Do not starve your brain from essential nutrients.
I love this guy but in all honesty the more experts I listen to the shorter my shopping list gets lol, hey I’ve even been told I should only drink distilled water by another Dr.
I’ve really been enjoying cooking radishes as a potatoe substitute lately. Now, you’ve got me wondering if this is a good idea, since radishes grow underground too!
This is weird. I make a fajita baked casserole, just red pepper & onion and garlic, topped with taco seasoned either chicken or hamburger and sour cream and get NO suger spike. Plus the pepper and onion have helped raise my kidney function 10 points.
What’s up?
Bell peppers aren’t peppers and aren’t a vegetable but a fruit,
Your facts are wrong on this, so how can people believe anything you say,
Only In the USA do they use the words Bell Peppers in all other countries it’s, Capsicum and once again it’s a fruit not a vegetable,
I have been eating onions since my teen years to fight off colds and flu with great effect and have grown very fond of them. What about garlic? It’s another food long known to help the body against infection.
All of the vegetables listed have a much lower glycemic index number if consumed raw. It’s when they are cooked the glycemic index increases. I could be mistaken, but it appears how these vegetables are prepared for consumption determines their impact on our bodies and an insulin response.
We are going to starve to death if ya listen to this guy!! Lol
Man worries to much like this gentleman about this short stint called life! Jesus said Labour for the food that doesn’t spoil! Seek Jesus not man’s remember life is real short. Seek Jesus for Salvation eternal life with Him. Thank you Father God.
Many thanks from Caracas, Venezuela. I was wondering if u could elaborate on your opinion of tomatoes. My wife and I are T2D and we are grateful to u for your advice. Much obliged
Regarding the sugar content of Onion I have seen many sources claiming that red onion can reduce sugar level, and it is recommended to diabetes but here you advise to avoid it, can you please comment
Here you say red cabbage is bad…, BUT in another of your videos you say cabbage is good. So which is it?
gotta ferment those vegetables
3:06 start
Playlist for life
3:07 Shittake Mushrooms
3:37 Red Cabbage
3:44 Turnips
3:52 Rutabagas
3:58 Red Bell Peppers
4:25 Onions
4:40 Carrots
4:58 Sweet Potatoes
5:11 Green Peas
5:20 Sweet Corn
5:29 Beets
I have multiple fibroids and I am so confused over what to eat. The consensus is I should eat no animal products, no bread, no grains, no rice, no potatoes, etc. Only some vegetables and fruit. I have tried this and I am naturally underweight. This diet put me in severe weight loss. I started eating pumpernickel bread with peanutbutter to keep my weight up between smoothies and salads. My mate is a carnivore and i eat meat with him occasionally but this is a big no no. I would love to nix vegetables but I get so much feedback about acidity and hormones. Insulin also makes them grow which is in all the vegetables. No meat and no fruit and vegetables seems like a diet that is incredibly unsustainable.
I have just discovered your videos! They are so interesting! Thank you for spreading carbs intoxication awareness!
I have a question. I watch all these videos that all yall YouTube doctor’s put out on what not to eat cause its bad for this and bad for that. it seems like everything we were taught to eat that was good for us is not good to eat. even the all natural stuff like fruits and vegetables. my question is what foods can we actually eat thats good for us. cause all the videos that I’ve seen there’s pretty much nothing that we can eat that yall doctors say is good for us. one doctor will say this is good for you then another doctor will say it’s not. I don’t know who to believe anymore. if someone actually listened to everything that was said by these videos. they will probably die from stress and starvation. I know these videos are only put out to help people but are they really helping or making things worse. 🤔
Thank God I don’t eat those Vegetables.
takes AGES to get to the list 3:09
Don’t eat this don’t eat that you can’t eat nothing nomore chew on air I guess
Thank you very much Dr. Berry! Oh my I must admit I got really shocked about shiitake mushrooms and red bell pepper! How about yellow and orange bell pepper? And what about Shirataki rice style/wok style/pasta style food item? Thank you for your feedback!
I knew it. Is that the resson doctors recommend it for Anemia?
You need natural sugars, otherwise your brain wont work. These new doctors and their KETOs diets think they know everything, they don’t. Do not starve your brain from essential nutrients.
good afternoon dr berry
is frozen dumplings good for diabetic patients?
Cliff notes. He stole funds and smeared us all.
Go to 3.05, that’s were it starts.
Beets does not affect my blood sugar levels
I love this guy but in all honesty the more experts I listen to the shorter my shopping list gets lol, hey I’ve even been told I should only drink distilled water by another Dr.
I’ve really been enjoying cooking radishes as a potatoe substitute lately. Now, you’ve got me wondering if this is a good idea, since radishes grow underground too!
This is weird. I make a fajita baked casserole, just red pepper & onion and garlic, topped with taco seasoned either chicken or hamburger and sour cream and get NO suger spike. Plus the pepper and onion have helped raise my kidney function 10 points.
What’s up?
Bell peppers aren’t peppers and aren’t a vegetable but a fruit,
Your facts are wrong on this, so how can people believe anything you say,
Only In the USA do they use the words Bell Peppers in all other countries it’s, Capsicum and once again it’s a fruit not a vegetable,
Seriously is pickled beets as high in sugars??
Damn it! I love beets
Starting to wonder what the hell we CAN eat. lol
Bullshit. Many drink beetroot in keto and it burns off when you do cardio. Lol
What’s up Doc !!!! No more carrots 🙄 . Okay, I follow the Doctor’s orders. Thank for your life saving health care 😊
46 pounds about a year low carb mostly keto takes a little do it but it’s not hard and exercise has nothing to do with it.
My favorite is Halal bacon.
I was going to juice beets for my fatty Liver but it has too much sugar.
I have been eating onions since my teen years to fight off colds and flu with great effect and have grown very fond of them. What about garlic? It’s another food long known to help the body against infection.
If I have a low glucose number, does that mean I will have a low cholesterol number too?
I go for broccoli – LOVE beef & broccoli!!! 😉
Great, I m running out of foods to eat.
God Bless Everyone
All of the vegetables listed have a much lower glycemic index number if consumed raw. It’s when they are cooked the glycemic index increases. I could be mistaken, but it appears how these vegetables are prepared for consumption determines their impact on our bodies and an insulin response.
Best diet: Air biscuits and a hot cup of nothing smh🤦🏾♀️
Omg. These are all the veggies I love most! Stuffed peppers, onions in everything, mushrooms…dang!
Is it safe to say no one diet or way of eating is good for everyone?? Genuinely curious for input.
Dr Berry which diet is better for prediabetes, is it keto or carnivore or not either one?
Wait Im confused didn’t Dr Berry say in his 8 vegetables to eat on Keto video that Cabbage was a great keto option?
I eat all these and lost weight faster than keto
Thanks for the info!
What about glycemic index? Sweet potatoes is lower than a regular starchy potato.