I am confused. Why are you encouraging people to eat nuts like almonds? In one of your other videos you say almonds and nuts are really high in the Roundup chemicals that cause cancer?
Dr. Berg: Where would Pili nuts fall on your chart?
I have a variety of nuts on order. Now that I’ve seen this video, I’ll probably mix them into a 1 cup (8-oz) containers and add some nuts from each cup to each meal during the week. Then, store the additional nut-cups in the freezer until I need them.
1/4 cup of pecans
1/8 cup of brazil nuts
1/8 cup of walnuts
1/4 cup of macadamia nuts
1/8 cup of pistachios
1/8 cup of cashews
?? Pili nuts. I’ve never had them, but I want to try them. I’ve heard they taste buttery. Better than almonds.
Dr Berg, I really appreciate all your videos and precious information, I was wondering should I eat peanut butter if I’m liver body type? Thank you so much 🙏 A warm hello from Italy💛
Hello !
I am following you on you tube very closely.I am thankful for all the knowledge you provide me, but …
I can not understand any reason why , you and many many others are :
CUPS (which meas volume of diferent specific weigh,so DIFFERENT MASS )
in compare to GRAMMARS of a nutrient
And very often you compare CUPS or SPOONS or several other VOLUME measures…
It doesn’t make sense ,or it is nerve braking to try to make sense out of it.
Why you people (generally)dont just compare
100 GRAMMARS of initial material ,to
GRAMMARS of nutrient,
so someone can directly comprehend the …
Best wishes.
When you talk about macros you use grams or mass units, then you take the portions in cups, which is a volume unit. I mean, that’s a bit nuts when trying to make accurate comparisons. Accurate measurement is made using the same unit.
My favorite nut is pecan!!! I loveeeee them!!!
I love nuts as a snack . But once I start I can’t stop.
How about hazelnuts or chestnuts
I am extremely grateful for Dr Berg!
How much weight is one cup?
Is it per cup?
I am confused. Why are you encouraging people to eat nuts like almonds? In one of your other videos you say almonds and nuts are really high in the Roundup chemicals that cause cancer?
“So you telling me there’s a chance”
What about hazelnut or seeds? Are they bad for keto?
Are pili nuts and hazelnuts keto friendly? 🤔
Would there be any way to do a video on tiger nuts ??
Thank you Dr. Berg.
🥺I like Cashew and Pista….
What about the omega 3 – omega 6 ratios ?
There’s a nut named after a country?
Walnut has omega 3 😁
"Sometimes you feel like nut,
Sometimes you don’t"
Hey doc raw pecans or roasted ?
filberts aren’t even on there
Why peanut butter instead of peanuts
Why didn’t you use by weight? Pecans are lighter?
Walnuts have added benefit because they are a rare non-fish food that are high in Omega 3.
I burst out into laughter when the Dr. Berg giggled after " so if you want to have a nut"
Dr. Berg: Where would Pili nuts fall on your chart?
I have a variety of nuts on order. Now that I’ve seen this video, I’ll probably mix them into a 1 cup (8-oz) containers and add some nuts from each cup to each meal during the week. Then, store the additional nut-cups in the freezer until I need them.
1/4 cup of pecans
1/8 cup of brazil nuts
1/8 cup of walnuts
1/4 cup of macadamia nuts
1/8 cup of pistachios
1/8 cup of cashews
?? Pili nuts. I’ve never had them, but I want to try them. I’ve heard they taste buttery. Better than almonds.
Dr Berg, I really appreciate all your videos and precious information, I was wondering should I eat peanut butter if I’m liver body type? Thank you so much 🙏 A warm hello from Italy💛
Brilliant. Thank you
Cashew flavored pecans
“You’re not gonna consume a cup of any of these.” Is that a challenge
My favorite, pecan.
What about almond oil?
My favorite nuts is pecan
I have a bag of Keto Crunch and Pecans are in there but not Brazil nuts or Macadamia nuts.
Pecan 1/4 cup 20g fat 4g carbs 3g fiber 1 net carb 190 cal. have no clue how a cup adds up to his number
Thank you!
Hello !
I am following you on you tube very closely.I am thankful for all the knowledge you provide me, but …
I can not understand any reason why , you and many many others are :
CUPS (which meas volume of diferent specific weigh,so DIFFERENT MASS )
in compare to GRAMMARS of a nutrient
And very often you compare CUPS or SPOONS or several other VOLUME measures…
It doesn’t make sense ,or it is nerve braking to try to make sense out of it.
Why you people (generally)dont just compare
100 GRAMMARS of initial material ,to
GRAMMARS of nutrient,
so someone can directly comprehend the …
Best wishes.
What happens if we ate 1 cup of nuts a day? Would the omega-6 content be too high?
I eat alot
Is it bad?
Merci grâce à vous j’ai utilisé la diet keto et j’ai perdu 20 kilos avec un régime kéto personnalisé grâce à vous
Most favored at the bottom of the list and least favorite on the top? Haha!
you forgot the Pili nuts!!!
the best for keto right???
Yea, it’s surprising info. Although I appreciated to have a knowledge on this !
1 cup = ??? (G)
What about just a plain PEANUT??
When you talk about macros you use grams or mass units, then you take the portions in cups, which is a volume unit. I mean, that’s a bit nuts when trying to make accurate comparisons. Accurate measurement is made using the same unit.
Nooo. 😭 Bye bye Cashews
And chestnuts??
Does anybody know?
Pickens are the most addictive nuts in the universe. I myself have to stay away from them! Lol I’ll stick to the boring almonds.