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Added 2 years agoVistas: 0
Added 2 years ago
I ran to like the video the moment you asked do I make sense? So much sense made. Lovvvveeeet
I so much love the yogurt&nuts, then the banana &oat cookies.. I’ll try it out. I’m a fan of healthy snacking 😂😂 (maybe coz I’m a midnight snacker) and I love this video
i can tell by the glow on your skin that u are a healthy snacker ..u are beautiful sis🔥..thanks for this informative video♥️
Midnight hunger hits hardest
Very helpful
This means that too much of anything is poison.
Carrot,cucumber,tomatoes,himalayan salt,seasonings,onion,garlic are delicious alone or in bread,biscuits.
So beautiful 🤩what an elegant cook
Hello Winnie, I always use Nature valley biscuits which is low in sugar and high in fiber to satisfy my cravings.
This is my first time to watch your videos 💪🥰
Plus you look so gorg🥰🥰
Eaten of rice when loosing weight is it allowed
Mmmmmmmmmmmuaaa mmmmmmmh great woman
Pls I like your top to start with….Your videos re just superb, being following since 2017…thumbs up
If we peanuts don’t make us break out is it okay to take them ?
What are tiger nuts please
Honestly don’t like almond nut
Hi. You’re beautiful and I love u as a sister.♥ I love your style and everything about you. ♥ am from Liberia and I wish we were staying around each other cuz I will wanna be with you every time. Thx for the video. U look Amazing!!
https://youtu.be/OB-xWW0s6iY?t=37 try this
Send me a snack table
The banana and oatmeal cookies,if i may ask,what if you don’t have oven to prepare it,no other option?
Dates and coconut
Are grape seeds edible please?
Watching you from jamaica you are the best wishing you all the best in all your endovours💒
Pls I need to know what I will eat am 5 months pregnant to be healthy
Thanks so much
Iv done the yogurt and almonds I feel its does work to keep weight down a bit but i didn’t loose much as I thort i think i just need to stop eating at night all together it’s hard but what I did is eat a big lunch at 2-3pm and eat by after 5-6 then im not that hungry and ensure im exercising 30 mins and no eating after 6 at all this way i loose weight my fast
Gosh you’re so pretty!!!!😍
Very educative, thanks a lot.👍
Did you just say you developed the banana oats cookie recipe? I think you need to give credit to The Domestic Geek. Other than that, great video.
It’s the top for me. Thanks for the lesson dear
Thanks for sharing ❤
Thanks for sharing. I am in this table of night cravings. I will keep on to this.
Wow beautiful top how can I get it please
I just enjoy yo channel baby gal . Just keep it up
I think you should do this videos more often it really helps me especially with the weight loss journey I’m into now
I love you Zee😍😘
You always look so good, all your videos are so interesting 😊
It’s the top for me
Iove your videos I wish I was like you
So beautiful ⚘but how to make chips white 🤗
Please are u married 🥺
Good job and nice teaching, l enjoyed your teachings thanks, God bless you.
Thanks for getting my health back , am so excited ,am free from herpes ,all thanks to God #drallenben🇱🇷💯
You look great! Thank God I’m doing some of these like tiger nuts, popcorn, apples😃 but I guzzle up my apple. How do you keep your Apple for 30-45mins without it turning brown? I’m addicted to bread. Soft freshly baked bread. That’s where I need deliverance on for night cravings. I hide them out of sight but they keep calling my name. I run and go to bed but sneak out after some time to tear a piece as late as 11pm!😭, Eat it, feel guilty n return to bed. I saw similar oats cookie on Iana Garten’s barefoot contessa cooking show. Thanks for sharing
Can i eat pineapple or watermelon
Hi, this comes at a time when am beginning a weight loss journey….okey lemmie just say what was remaining was that bit of cravings after being disciplined in weight management. I Love biscuits and now i know how to avoid going for another. Asante sana.
You are a darling. God bless you
I love either almond slices or walnuts finger crumbled in the pack and cranberries or blueberries,very delicious,no slicing.,washing.