Finally a cure to herpes virus is out now and it herbal herbs and roots, 🍀🌿🌿 I have got alot of people cured from herpes and the herbs is very effective and can even cure HIV virus too, I can’t hide it to myself while they are lots of people suffering out there, I have to let the world know
Can you come up with a smoothie like the green drink that Adele has recently made popular – but make it palatable? Meaning…a little bit more tastier than what it seems to be? It looks like t he recipe I found has you juicing the ingredients but I don’t want to waste all that fiber. This would be a great title for a new video. Sure to get attention.
Gooday everybody. I want to talk about Dr ojamo the great herbal doctor everybody have been testifying about he is indeed a real herbal doctor, i was among the one’s who was calling him scam untill my brother who was having herpes virus for 5 years use his medications and to my greatest suprise my brother called me that he was cured and tested (hsv2) negative, i was so shock!!, my brother was having herpes for 5 years and he has been on medications ever since he was tested positive to (HSV2), he said was browsing through the internet when he found a testimony of a lady call Teresa Mendoza testifying about this herbal doctor called Dr Ojamo. He contacted this Doc Email via, and the they negotiate the price of the herbs on whatsapp +2349077406037 and Dr Ojamo sent the herbs to my Brother through FedEx delivery service and the delivery takes 8days, and my brother use this herbs for just 21days and he was totally cured from this virus, am so happy!!! you can reach in on his email or whatsapp +2349077406037
I love your videos. The smoothie ideas are so awesome and the colours are lovely. I try to make use of my local fruits ( 🍌🍍papaya,mango)because the berries are costly here
Her face at 0:00 😂 Too funny
I need vanilla powder its universal
Thank you!! Tryin to step my smoothie game UP!!
love the Tshop commen pricless
I love her smoothies.
May you please make More smoothie recipes
She reminds me of Leslie Knope!
god i love smoothies soooo much
What can I substitute the coco water & coco milk with?
WOW I love your energy! just bought a smoothiemaker and wanted to check some recipies and got those and a whole lot of cheerfull morning attitude!
These look amazing and I’m excited to try some of the recipes!
Her skin… omg
Can you make sample for arthritis
its 7:30 Am, im watching this and making a smoothie, i feel good.
the domestick dick
I liked the tropi-kale smoothie without banana
Green. Repeat. Say green. Think green. Focus on green. Practice green. Green for green earth. Earthen earth. Our earth. Green everyday.
Tropikale Smoothie Recipe:
Vanilla Avocado Smoothie Recipe:
Citrus Green Smoothie Recipe:
Peachy Green Tea Smoothie Recipe:
Lean Mean Green Smoothie Recipe:
Finally a cure to herpes virus is out now and it herbal herbs and roots, 🍀🌿🌿 I have got alot of people cured from herpes and the herbs is very effective and can even cure HIV virus too, I can’t hide it to myself while they are lots of people suffering out there, I have to let the world know
This is great. Thanks for sharing
this video is super helpful for me
This is something unique and delicious recipe
Those ‘green" smoothiea intimidates me😓😓😨😨😨😨😳😰
My mom banned me from using the blender, a have no watching this, but you’re voice is just makes me smile. (Not to be creepy though)
This message brought to you by silk.
Thanks for the measurements
Are these meal replacements?
I’m allergic to avocados and bananas so that’s every recipe in this video 🙂
Can you come up with a smoothie like the green drink that Adele has recently made popular – but make it palatable? Meaning…a little bit more tastier than what it seems to be? It looks like t he recipe I found has you juicing the ingredients but I don’t want to waste all that fiber. This would be a great title for a new video. Sure to get attention.
Like yr smoothies, like the content, names, description below the vids…. Thanks a lot.
Gooday everybody. I want to talk about Dr ojamo the great herbal doctor everybody have been testifying about he is indeed a real herbal doctor, i was among the one’s who was calling him scam untill my brother who was having herpes virus for 5 years use his medications and to my greatest suprise my brother called me that he was cured and tested (hsv2) negative, i was so shock!!, my brother was having herpes for 5 years and he has been on medications ever since he was tested positive to (HSV2), he said was browsing through the internet when he found a testimony of a lady call Teresa Mendoza testifying about this herbal doctor called Dr Ojamo. He contacted this Doc Email via, and the they negotiate the price of the herbs on whatsapp +2349077406037 and Dr Ojamo sent the herbs to my Brother through FedEx delivery service and the delivery takes 8days, and my brother use this herbs for just 21days and he was totally cured from this virus, am so happy!!! you can reach in on his email or whatsapp +2349077406037
Apple juice , strawberrys, flaxseed and spinach. Water to thin out if needed
Reminds me of Camilla Chloe. Look her up.
Amazing video! Can’t wait
I’m not a fan of almond milk or the taste of coconut. Any substitutions?
This looks very healthy
You need to steam greens before putting them in smoothie.
How can you save it for later can you freeze it
How long do they store in refrigerator?
Good show.
Regards from Iceland
awesome channel thank you
I love your videos. The smoothie ideas are so awesome and the colours are lovely. I try to make use of my local fruits ( 🍌🍍papaya,mango)because the berries are costly here
I’m just trying
Why did I read it as vanilla-vodka though?🤔😂
wow,love it
Would please you do a green smoothie video for diabetics?
Match green tea
Thanks so much for green recipes.
Q aAwesomeaaaaa