I ONLY ate fruits and vegetables for a WEEK // YOU WONT BELIEVE THE RESULTS // 7 DAY DETOX
You're watching I ONLY ate fruits and vegetables for a WEEK // YOU WONT BELIEVE THE RESULTS // 7 DAY DETOX
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Added 2 years ago
But carbs are all potatoes are… you’re craving protein
Ima do this too, I freaking burp so loud at least 100 times a day (some purposefully but still it’s a lot XD) and I’m fat
Its certainly a lot more healthy eating more veggies – i think i would struggle to do this for a whole week tbh
You a so beautiful😍 your smile is so cute💘 can i get ur number?😌
broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts. All good protein
Great video but I think I missed you say how much weight that you lost. I’m starting straight VEGS on sunday my inspiration is my doctor says if I get below 210 he will take me off cholesterol medicine 💊. I am 230 now, wish me luck.
hey justin how are you
Good job girl!! I did this for a day and cried because someone drank my oj 😆
Very well done….how to stay us away from all the junk food that calling us everyday towards them….it’s really hard to ignore them when they are in front of us….
You just got a new follower.👌👌👍👍👍
All that plastic !!! I can’t look 😩
Imma do this for 3 months
This is awesome!! I’m starting soon and thanks for you informative video. It’s encouraging!!
I didn’t ate food for 25 to 30 days
Only survived in water and milk lost 27 to 28 kgs but was with high BP hypertensions and Mental problems admitted to hospital with Salines and daily vitamin capsules and tonics no
I m back
I think you maybe have IBS , Irritable bowel syndrome. I had the same problem, after having a meal my stomachs as getting so bloated. It takes time to work with it and learn what is good for your and what not . Good luck ☺️
Parts of the audio are low and then insanely loud. I liked it other than that though.
for people who bloat, high protein diet is the best. watch gauge girl training channel
im gonna share my daily experiance from day 1 to day 7 with my daily diet . Like so i get motivated💞
Day 1:i ate an apple, 2 sweetlimes and a half mini watermelon. But i felt dizzy throughout the day.
Day 2:i ate 2-3 carrots , 2 cucumbers , a cup of sliced pineapples and half mini watermelon
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:ok so i have completed it by the basic fruits and veggies (i was too lazy to update😶) and lost 4kgs at the end along with inch loss on my belly and thighs
whats in your dressing
I like your voice 🤗
Sad that you have eat frozen taking so much effort
There is protein in fruit and fruit is almost entirely carbs. You didn’t “have no carbs”….you went on a high carb low fat diet.
How much did u lose?
You should do some research before dieting you got bloated becouse of lots of fiber
Frozen foods not really good choice.Go for fresh ones next time
That’s a lot
Damn i wish this was my girlfriend… Her personality is amazing
You might have allergies to certain foods and you might have to take a food test.
Isn’t potato’s carbs?
You inspired me to try this!!! Thanks for sharing this video.
you are so qute.
Tip: Since you ate honey, you can put it in your tea instead of sugar.
I honestly could live without fruit,there awsome!😍
How many kilos did you lost with this diet?
Such a gr8 video you earn a subs. From me and oh God how cute u are 😍
She said no no that didn’t work lol
You are so cute dear and I am also motivated by you how can I contact you I need a guide from you please reply
You are so cute🥺🥺🥺…..💌India
Thanks for the video
I am going to start eating fruits and vegetables every other day; carbs and protein the other days.
You didn’t show before and after results, thanks for wasting 14 minutes of my life time
How much weight did u losexx
Veggies and fruits makes you bloat a lot but their hella good for you
That is great but can you kindly please do another one but make it for a month? That would be great! Take care, thank you for the video.
I’ll be starting this from 14 oct 2020 and side by side I’ll a bit of workout and skipping ! Will keep you guys updated after end of the every day ✨ let’s see how it goes
Amazing background noise!!! Hahah love The office! Thanks for this video! Starting this for 2 weeks 🙂
Is this detox help to clear the PCOD?
your thumbnail confused me which one is the before ?
Justine, did you figure out what caused your bloating? Im recently going thru the same thing.
Everything here looks appetizing 😭