Thank you for this video, I am a dialysis patient who just had a High-Potassium episode, couldn’t walk, had go to the ER but a dialysis treatment & meds brought it down I will ask my nutrisnist a binder that will help with my potassium levels
Great Experience I had with u Dr Osunmeh on YouTube. After using your herbal medication as prescribed by you, My kidney Disease became a thing of the past. All thanks to u Dr Osunmeh.
Thanks for the video. Great info
This is dribble, lettuce has less potassium than cauliflower
Fructose is inflammatory and apples are high in fructose or Fruit sugar. So that isn’t a good option. Peas are also out.
Just google potassium quantities per 100g… for foods.
How much potassium a day ?
I’m stage 3 ckd I’m so fed up with all the foods I cannot eat I just gave up
Thank you for this video, I am a dialysis patient who just had a High-Potassium episode, couldn’t walk, had go to the ER but a dialysis treatment & meds brought it down I will ask my nutrisnist a binder that will help with my potassium levels
Wonderful video, informative content. thanks for sharing! Stay healthy and safe! 👍😊🍓
Omg all these videos are driving me crazy , you cant eat anything anymore.. I say just do you best and enjoy life!
Please remember that nurse practitioners and physician assistants also treat patients with CKD, not just doctors. Thanks
Do not eat sugar, that destroys your organs.
Great Experience I had with u Dr Osunmeh on YouTube. After using your herbal medication as prescribed by you, My kidney Disease became a thing of the past. All thanks to u Dr Osunmeh.