Where is the science behind the whole 45 minutes window ?. Do top athletes train only 45 minutes?. Sorry dude, your information is outdated and misleading .
I do 5 exercises for each muscle in push pull legs day…so 15 exercises for push day,10 exercises for pull day and 5 exercises for leg day, is it okay to do???Anyone?
Thank you!
Legend, thanks for that!
I normally do about 5-10 exercises for each muscle group and 5 or more sets is that overtraining and bad for my muscles?
Where is the science behind the whole 45 minutes window ?. Do top athletes train only 45 minutes?. Sorry dude, your information is outdated and misleading .
45 mins is not ideal when you workout at a full gym honestly
I do 5 exercises for each muscle in push pull legs day…so 15 exercises for push day,10 exercises for pull day and 5 exercises for leg day, is it okay to do???Anyone?
Yeah arnold did 5h in a day
Thanks for the video! As far as I know it’s exactly the way you’re saying it is.
Thankyou so much
thank you
Loved this thanks