Is your "rule" aplly to hitting 2x times same muscle group per week or 1 time per week? Like you sad: big muscle group 3-5 exercise, small 2-3 and if I train same muscle group twice per week and doing big muscle group 3 exercise, small 2 is it still good?
I’ve been doing those ridiculous amount of exercises with definite gains, but I want to try this failure option just to get out of the gym faster with more work done. Thanks.
I recently started doing gym after some years but got drained out after doing Chest Exercises on Chest Day …
My Exercises were 1) Incline Dumbell Press 2) Barbell Bench Press 3) Incline Dumbell Flys
4 ) High & Low Cable flys
5) Dumbell Pull overs
Feel free to correct me.I think I am doing something wrong…
Im doing compound exercises and I read that you don’t have to do much ab workouts as other big muscles since they already get trained a bit with compound exercises… so what would be a good range for abs 4 exercises of 3 or 4 sets?
What the hell are you talking about? 3-5 for large muscle groups? So if i do my push program (chest,shoulders,triceps) i should do 9 to FIFTEEN different exercises?? After two sentences you 10 exercises are too much. Make up your mind.
Only 47k views on this video when it’s one of the shortest but most informal videos that gives the proper details for ppl like me needed for specific questions.
I’m doing 1 compound exercise with an isolation exercise before and after as a warm up/finisher 4x a week. I’m worried I’m not putting my muscles under tension long enough even though my muscles feel very fatigued by the end of the workout and I’m seeing good results. Any advice?
the youtube fitness community really needs more of this video title for more perspectives because its overwehelming the amount of ways there are to work out a single muscle group, and not having enough time or energy to do them all leaves with the question of which ones should you then do
This may have been six years ago but I am so grateful for this this is great you helped me understand and I’m pretty excited! What I’m stressing about is what exercises should I do? There is so many I just don’t know what to do
I do chest & back on the same day. Bench press 4 sets, Incline bench, decline bench, & hit the cable machine for lower chest. And then the chest fly machine. Sometimes I’ll do dips every now and then. For back I start with the lat pulls, then the seated cable rows, then some bent over barbel rows, then hit one of the back machines, face pulls and Im done. I try to stay in the 8 to 10 rep area.
It was truly best video on this topic ❤️❤️❤️
The shortest and best explanation you can find👍🏽👍🏽
How fast can you see results?
his crossing fingers loooked like he was telling us fuck you
thank you brothaman
Is your "rule" aplly to hitting 2x times same muscle group per week or 1 time per week? Like you sad: big muscle group 3-5 exercise, small 2-3 and if I train same muscle group twice per week and doing big muscle group 3 exercise, small 2 is it still good?
Really good video, thanks a lot
Thank finally I got that
I’ve been doing those ridiculous amount of exercises with definite gains, but I want to try this failure option just to get out of the gym faster with more work done. Thanks.
😭 you hurt my feelings😂
What about full body
How many exercises do you for yours ears?
Thank you for not having a 3 minute intro and then saying “it really depends on your body “
On a last set going to failure how much weight should I use? Go lighter or use the same weight as the 3rd set?
Thank you very much….sir…🙏🙏🙏
Thank you very helpful
lets say that i do 5 chest exercise, witch exercise should i do to failure
Im gonna try this for a week.
Are shoulders a small muscle group?
1:18 What You Came For…
Very good information, thanks for that.
I recently started doing gym after some years but got drained out after doing Chest Exercises on Chest Day …
My Exercises were 1) Incline Dumbell Press 2) Barbell Bench Press 3) Incline Dumbell Flys
4 ) High & Low Cable flys
5) Dumbell Pull overs
Feel free to correct me.I think I am doing something wrong…
Great video . Like that approach small muscle groups 3 exercises 1to failure one super set. I usually do four but not to failure will give it a try .
Im doing compound exercises and I read that you don’t have to do much ab workouts as other big muscles since they already get trained a bit with compound exercises… so what would be a good range for abs 4 exercises of 3 or 4 sets?
The Agoge diet is probably the best diet for increasing muscle. I struggled for so long until I started following it.
I do like 10 exercises for each muscle group now I will do less
What the hell are you talking about? 3-5 for large muscle groups? So if i do my push program (chest,shoulders,triceps) i should do 9 to FIFTEEN different exercises?? After two sentences you 10 exercises are too much. Make up your mind.
Only 47k views on this video when it’s one of the shortest but most informal videos that gives the proper details for ppl like me needed for specific questions.
Thx man. I learned something.
Thankyou so much
Best video on the internet about this topic!!!
Thank u ….thats what ibwas looking for…thabks to b on Point…
4 to 5 exercises is all you need.
Good video
I’m doing 1 compound exercise with an isolation exercise before and after as a warm up/finisher 4x a week. I’m worried I’m not putting my muscles under tension long enough even though my muscles feel very fatigued by the end of the workout and I’m seeing good results. Any advice?
sir i need help.. how many sets for each exercise ?
Thank you sir
So go to muscle failure then the next video says don’t go to muscle failure ay yi yi
the youtube fitness community really needs more of this video title for more perspectives because its overwehelming the amount of ways there are to work out a single muscle group, and not having enough time or energy to do them all leaves with the question of which ones should you then do
Its good and nice
Holy fuck you are weird looking
This may have been six years ago but I am so grateful for this this is great you helped me understand and I’m pretty excited! What I’m stressing about is what exercises should I do? There is so many I just don’t know what to do
This is helpful… Spend 2 hours in the gym and no reason to I guess.
But what if i train to failure on half my body
Thank you for sharing
I do chest & back on the same day. Bench press 4 sets, Incline bench, decline bench, & hit the cable machine for lower chest. And then the chest fly machine. Sometimes I’ll do dips every now and then. For back I start with the lat pulls, then the seated cable rows, then some bent over barbel rows, then hit one of the back machines, face pulls and Im done. I try to stay in the 8 to 10 rep area.