Do you have any exercises for a beginner I used to work out back in the school but it has been so long I would like to start back but I really don’t even know where to start
Bodyweight exercise is way healthier than weight pushing exercise…Bodyweight exercise is recommended for a great cardiovascular unlike weight pushing/pulling/lifting!!!!
you changed my life man, 3 years ago i did you HIIT routine to lose 25 KG, now i am planning to build muscle and lose body fat with this kind of exercises.
thank you so much
Thanks for the the precious time you took to invest in such a full on app. It’s like the complete gym partner who will probably carry more weights than me throughout the entire session, unless low battery percentage ofc😂
Don’t you use any equipment brother?
Bro dont feel gravity
Don’t mind me. Just trying out workouts that I’ve never done before that I can add to my daily basis.
Sir I started calisthenics by seeing you , you are my inspiration ♥️
which song/beat is it at 4:31?
truly a legend
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I would love to see you do a video rock climbing / indoor bouldering.
You would probably be amazing at it.
Do you have any exercises for a beginner I used to work out back in the school but it has been so long I would like to start back but I really don’t even know where to start
your tattoo are so wierd
Bodyweight exercise is way healthier than weight pushing exercise…Bodyweight exercise is recommended for a great cardiovascular unlike weight pushing/pulling/lifting!!!!
Incline Diamond Push Ups 2:12
Push Ups 2:20
Explosive Push Ups 2:23
Dips 2:31
Archer Push Ups 2:31
Bench Dips 3:15
Tricep Extensions 3:22
Skull Crushers 3:26
Straight Dips 3:34
Archer Straight Dips 3:41
Australian Close Grip Chin Ups 6:46
Bar Curls 6:52
Reverse Australian Chin Ups 6:58
Pronated Head Bangers 7:06
Chin Up One Arm Negative 7:13
Leg Raises 2:47
Chair Sit Ups 2:53
Russian Twists 3:02
Corner Raises 3:06
Toes To Bar 3:11
Australian Pull Ups 6:04
Pull Ups 6:15
Archer Pull Ups 6:25
Inverted Row Chin Ups 6:33
Front Lever Raises 6:37
Straight Arm Side Plank Raise 7:27
Pike Push Up 7:32
Australian Face Pulls 7:36
Wall Walk 7:41
HandStand Push Up 7:57
Squats 5:19
Side to Side Squats 5:27
Box Jumps 5:36
Side to Side Jump Squats 5:43
Pistol Squats 5:54
Hip Thrusters 4:27
Walking Lunges 4:35
Single Leg Romanian DeadLift 4:43
Elevated Hamstring Curl 4:53
Bulgarian Split Squats 5:03
Side Lying Leg raises 8:05
Glute Bridge 8:18
Pause Lunge 8:25
Lateral Marches 8:44
Curtsy Lunges 8:58
Jumping Jacks 3:48
Calf Raises + Reverse Calf Raises 3:55
Toes Together Calf Raise 4:02
Heels Together Calf Raise 4:10
Single Leg Calf Raise 4:16
A beast 🤙🏼😎
I want exercise which help me to do know about chin ups I can’t do chin ups and one more think make vedio on shin strength
Oh Man why you do talking so much?
Im exercising almost 5 months now and just realised how week i am
you changed my life man, 3 years ago i did you HIIT routine to lose 25 KG, now i am planning to build muscle and lose body fat with this kind of exercises.
thank you so much
Good video, I was looking specially for deltoid exercises. Thanks
Thanks for the the precious time you took to invest in such a full on app. It’s like the complete gym partner who will probably carry more weights than me throughout the entire session, unless low battery percentage ofc😂
Gym at home basically.
Hey, can someone tell me for how many sets and reps should I be doing each of this exercises?
lol he said libary
no hate tho
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Tang enang ads to leni robredo di ko na pinanood tuloy
Keep up the good work
Quantas séries você aconselha fazer mesmo para quem tem já um certo preparo físico,fala aí p gente, obrigado amigo
informative af, thanks
Keep up the good work
Cool video, thanks!
You have the best body ever! How long did it take you to reach that form?
Hello Chris a hug from Pamplona Cheer ap ! Happy weekend champion thank you for you ! Good afternoon bye ! 🖐️😍🙏❤️🤸🏋️