Vistas: 1
ты английский знаешь крууто
Yo man, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. It is greatly appreciated brother. May you be blessed with health and happiness 😃
Love your videos ❣️❣️
Thanks so much brother for that great work
What s the music in the end?
This is what I was looking for u are gold buddy.
Awesome ways, but if you would’ve added two more exercises in this vdo that would be the best. 🥰🔥👍👊
so good thank
What a chest, ouffff
Me i request for the better exercises for the legs
Ur the best bro….
nice one dude
Bro I’ve been doing it for 15 days and I can see a change …… thanks alot ….u deserve a heart ♥️♥️♥️
I get a lot help from this man
I don’t have a table at home
Name of first excercise ?
Hai from Tamilnadu, india.keep it up brother…
Who tells him that inner chest doesn’t exist
How to balance both of chest sides? My right upper chest is not as pumped as the left, thanks.
He is a natural born teacher
i feel first and second one really hard ,,,,,,,,,help me with this
0:47 i thought my man started singing and rhyming🤣
1st one, can’t do. No balance and too low tables
I feel training triceps more than chest !!!
Let me start to do it to get my upper chest part
When I do push-ups, I don’t feel shit in my chest (because it’s not affecting my chest, not because it’s helping) , only my arms
Man u r turely geniune
Brilliant. Can’t wait for tomorrow morning’s workout. Thanks, man!
Thanks my brother. I hope my crush will fall to me
He’s probly from russiaaaaa
Thanks for watching guys! Leave a comment after you try these exercises! It’s a huge support for me! See you soon!
Thank you for such very helpful tips,sorry to say becareful about bigorexia .take good care
how many years u treaning
Brother, How to increase height after 23 years
Thank you man U helped me become stronger than ever before 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😎 Keep working hard
Imagine how much time he spend to help us
U have soo many videos for chest exe . Which one is more effective?
We really like u work bro much 💕💕💕💕💕 from Africa Kenya
Please show the full exercise of backs and arms Legs Heart Abs
Love from india❤️ ………. Your content is very good . I obey this rules ……..
Man boobs exercise please!
Love brother
99,99% of the people won’t move a finger to do any of your exercises hahahaha fact!
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ты английский знаешь крууто
Yo man, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. It is greatly appreciated brother. May you be blessed with health and happiness 😃
Love your videos ❣️❣️
Thanks so much brother for that great work
What s the music in the end?
This is what I was looking for u are gold buddy.
Awesome ways, but if you would’ve added two more exercises in this vdo that would be the best. 🥰🔥👍👊
so good thank
What a chest, ouffff
Me i request for the better exercises for the legs
Ur the best bro….
nice one dude
Bro I’ve been doing it for 15 days and I can see a change …… thanks alot ….u deserve a heart ♥️♥️♥️
I get a lot help from this man
I don’t have a table at home
Name of first excercise ?
Hai from Tamilnadu, india.keep it up brother…
Who tells him that inner chest doesn’t exist
How to balance both of chest sides? My right upper chest is not as pumped as the left, thanks.
He is a natural born teacher
i feel first and second one really hard ,,,,,,,,,help me with this
0:47 i thought my man started singing and rhyming🤣
1st one, can’t do. No balance and too low tables
I feel training triceps more than chest !!!
Let me start to do it to get my upper chest part
When I do push-ups, I don’t feel shit in my chest (because it’s not affecting my chest, not because it’s helping) , only my arms
Man u r turely geniune
Brilliant. Can’t wait for tomorrow morning’s workout. Thanks, man!
Thanks my brother. I hope my crush will fall to me
He’s probly from russiaaaaa
Thanks for watching guys! Leave a comment after you try these exercises! It’s a huge support for me! See you soon!
Thank you for such very helpful tips,sorry to say becareful about bigorexia .take good care
how many years u treaning
Brother, How to increase height after 23 years
Thank you man
U helped me become stronger than ever before 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😎
Keep working hard
Imagine how much time he spend to help us
U have soo many videos for chest exe . Which one is more effective?
We really like u work bro much 💕💕💕💕💕 from Africa Kenya
Please show the full exercise of backs and arms
Love from india❤️ ………. Your content is very good . I obey this rules ……..
Man boobs exercise please!
Love brother
99,99% of the people won’t move a finger to do any of your exercises hahahaha fact!